Preparing for a home birth: practical action steps and ideal supplies for birthing at home!

This post could really go 283 different ways but I thought I would touch a little on the various ways we’re preparing for a home birth. Both in the practical ways (birth supplies and such that would otherwise be provided when you show up to the hospital) to mentally preparing for a home birth and so on.


Thankfully our midwife puts together a list of recommended supplies in order to properly prepare for a home birth. Our midwife also offers a prepackaged bundle of all of these things which we bought the first time around but since we have a few leftovers from Ruth’s birth/postpartum, I decided to order the individual items we don’t have. I linked all of my choices for this birth!


    • 1 large plastic drop cloth (I opted for a washable/reusable table cloth to try to reduce the amount of waste-especially plastic waste- is associated with out birth.)

    • 2 boxes of chlorine-free maternity pads (14 super size & 24 regular size)

    • 12 (one package) disposable waterproof underpads

    • 1 plastic perineal spray bottle (I also have a traditional peri bottle but liked this one much better, easier to get it there)

    • dried organic herbs (for ice pads & spray bottle)

    • 3 organic goldenseal capsules (for umbilical cord)

    • 2 disposable stretchy underwear

    • ibuprofen (dye free!) and/or magnesium for cramping after birth (especially if this is baby #2 or more)

    • When it comes to pads and such, I like changing them often and remember running out too soon last time I gave birth so I ordered more than what my midwife recommended. I also grabbed a full pack of disposable pad underwear for when the bleeding is really intense/overnight/etc.



    • optional quilted flannel reusable under pad (can’t find a link to what we have but this was SO handy!!)

    • 6 or more clean large towels and a few clean washcloths & hand towels (used/old are best)

    • 1-2 bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide (for stain removal from linens)

    • 1 clean cookie sheet or other tray (for instrument tray, used/old is fine)

    • 2 large plastic trash bags

    • a working flashlight

    • favorite energy drinks and snacks (electrolytes, high-carb, avoid too crunchy/chewy)

    • for use of the labor pool: a new rubber hose with non-lead fittings plus any necessary adapter for attaching to an indoor hot/cold faucet (Ace Hardware also stocks this hose).


this time around I’m focusing a little more on my home ambiance than I did last time. lights/colors/spaces that are calming to me vs the bold navy sheets and bright beach towel I used last time ha!

  • salt lamp for cozy lighting

  • string lights also for cozy lighting

  • turning our bathroom into a relaxing place that I truly enjoy spending time in (the bathroom can be a great place to labor!) we painted, redid the floors, added a shelf with plants and cute decor, etc last year and while it’s not the full blown bathroom reno of my dreams, I love it SO much more than how the bathroom looked when we bought our house!)

  • diffusers around the house pumping calming and courage boosting essential oils (grab the best deal on quality oils and diffusers here!)

  • adopting the “don’t just put it down, put it away” mindset well in advance of giving birth so that the house never gets toooooo messy. I don’t expect a spotless house during labor/birth but if it could be halfway tidy that would be nice ;)

  • planning where to put the birthing tub

  • mattress protector

  • reusable “incontinence” pad

  • wooden comb (squeeze into your palms during contractions, hits pain relieving pressure points!)

  • airpods (okay I try not to use these a ton in general because of the potential for EMFs right by my head but I’ll admit, in certain situations wireless headphones are so handy!!)

  • bedside caddy for diapers, my nighttime skincare supplies, wipes, snacks, etc.

  • reading mindful birthing. I’ve heard this book is especially helpful for second time moms. I’m almost done with it and have so far really enjoyed it and think it will be very helpful during labor/delivery/postpartum. edgar is also reading the birth partner this time around and we’re both reviewing the miles circuit.


We had tons of freezer meals when we had Ruth but for whatever reason we didn’t have many snacks or just regular groceries on hand?? I think part of the reason is that we had recently moved to our current house which is 30 minutes from the nearest decent grocery store. We had previously been living right in town and there were multiple grocery stores within 5 minutes so the idea of needing to stock up on food just wasn’t quite on our radar??

This time around we’re again preparing lots of freezer meals, a friend is offering to put together a little meal train for us, AND I’m going to make sure our fridge and cabinets are packed in the weeks/days leading up to birth. So far, here are some non/less perishables I’ve started to stockpile. I’ll stock up on things like fresh fruits and vegetables as we get closer!

  • electrolyte drink packets- I really feel a birthing mama NEEDS extra electrolytes during/after labor and birth. I really like these because they have such clean ingredients (no artificial colors or sweeteners and not a ton of sugar either) AND they taste so good! Ruth is also a big fan.

  • ningxia red- clinically proven to reduce stress and increase energy (without caffeine!) AND promote more restful sleep! Full of antioxidants and vits/minerals without any added sugars/dyes/artificial anything. Another one of my (and Ruth’s!) favorites.

  • lara bars simple ingredient snack bars!

  • skout and cerebelly bars for Ruth- she loves these and they’re pretty clean ingredient wise! especially for young kids!

  • purely elizabeth granola - minimal sugar, high protein, clean ingredients, and so tasty!

  • lesser evil churro curls - these just sound good ;)

  • nuts (cashews, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, etc)

  • lovegrown cereal (decent sugar free cereal option with a bit of plant based protein! I’ve also always given these to ruth in a pinch in place of the common cheerios or honey nut cheerios) since it’s not sweetened at all I usually add a few stevia drops to the milk to give it a little something ;)

  • nut butters- we get ours from thrive or costco. the best prices for sugar free/quality ingredient nut butters!

Most of these things I either order on amazon or from thrive. Use my refer a friend link to get 40% off your first thrive market order!!


We’ve been asked a lot what we plan on doing with Ruth (our nearly 2.5 year old!) while we have a home birth and the answer is….we don’t entirely know yet! BUT, we have options. I’ve heard of a lot of families sending the older kid(s) to a trusted adult’s home during a home birth and I’ve heard of lots of families who happily keep their older kid(s) at home during the experience.

I’m really not opposed to either.

We’ve kind of established an “on call list.” We have multiple amazing neighbors (who Ruth has spent LOTS of time with and is very comfortable with!) who are available at the drop of a hat should we feel it would be better for her to not be at home. We also have my parents who are willing to drive down to help out if need be.

I think our decision will be based on the time of day when labor is most intense (if it’s all happening overnight and she’s sleeping then I don’t necessarily see a need to have the neighbors come get her? but who knows!) if it’s majorly go time and Ruth is awake and we’re competing for Edgar’s attention or she’s freaked out or ??? we’ll have someone come get her.

But…if things are going smoothly and everyone feels good we’ll keep her here! I think it could be really special to have her around for the birth of her younger sibling! I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer and I think we’ll know what works best for our family when the time comes and are very prepared for either option.

She spends lots of time at both sets of neighbors’ houses and is so comfortable with them (and is very comfortable with my parents!) AND we’ve talked to her a lot about her birth (which was at home!), how the baby will be born, where the baby (hopefully) will be born, who will be here, etc. She comes to all of my midwife appointments and is getting very familiar with our midwife and understands that she will be coming over to help the baby be born.

We’ve read her tooooons of books about being a big sister/welcoming a new baby/etc. and a few that are home birth specific- we bought this one and our midwife has let us borrow a few others.

Since we aren’t 100% sure if she’ll be home with us or not I’ve packed a go bag for her just in case:

  • 2 pairs of pajamas

  • 2 extra outfits

  • a few of her favorite toys and books

  • lots of snacks

  • toothbrush and toothpaste

  • a note from Edgar and myself

  • a picture of our family

  • I’ll add any outdoor gear that might be necessary when the time comes.

We’ve also purchased her a few new toys to help reduce any jealousy?? Of course Edgar and I will still make sure to each spend one on one time with her every single day after the baby comes (this piece is CRUCIAL!! Even if it’s just 10 minutes each of dedicated/full attention time with Ruth!) but since in general our hands will be more full we personally feel like offering a few new toys might help keep her entertained if we’re busy (or I’m busy, Edgar’s paternity leave is VERY short this time so it won’t be long before I’m solo parenting two kids!)

  • restarting our montessori based toy subscription! we’ve done this on and off during her life and take breaks from the subscription during certain seasons (summer, around her birthday) but are going to restart it in April. The boxes come with a handful of age appropriate toys so our plan is to introduce a new one every week or so after the baby gets here. (not sponsored at all but this refer a friend link gets you $30 off your first play kit!)

  • we bought her a climbing triangle for Christmas this year and it came with a slide/rock wall attachment and an arch attachment that we haven’t brought out yet. She was totally happy to just get the triangle so we held on to the other pieces to introduce after Edgar goes back to work.


again, I’m obviously hoping for a home birth but I’m not naive enough to think a hospital transfer isn’t possible! And if it’s necessary I won’t fight it because at the end of the day it’s about getting the baby out of me safely, so a hospital transfer wouldn’t be the most crushing thing for me. So, I’m packing a very minimal go back just in case! (If anyone remembers I did have a home birth with Ruth but then had to go to the hospital after delivery because I had a third degree tear. first and second degree tears a home birth midwife can sew up but for third you need to go in.)

  • change of comfy clothes, socks, slippers

  • mini toiletries

  • toothbrush and toothpaste

  • airpods

  • calming oils / rollers

  • a few pads

  • diapers, wipes, and an outfit for baby

  • snacks

  • anything else Edgar can throw in last minute. He can also pack his own bag.


  • around 36 weeks we call our local EMS and inform them that I’m planning to have a home birth and what my due date is. I’ll also ensure they know how to get to our address (sometimes it can be hard to find/google maps takes you to a cemetery instead) So that if there is an emergency, they know exactly where to find us.

  • preregistering with our chosen hospital. Calling to let them know I’m planning a home birth and when I’m due but want to preregister in the event that I need to do a hospital transfer.

  • making sure the car seat is already installed in our car

  • writing out any emergency info for anyone who might watch Ruth

It’s a lot, I know, but I wanted to be thorough and show how much really goes into a home birth. I completely understand that a home birth is not for everyone and that is okay!

It’s not about where you give birth, it’s about how you feel about your birth that matters most.

And hopefully if you’re reading this you’ve found a care team you trust and a plan that you feel makes you feel empowered and confident!


10 reasons we’re planning a home birth (again!)


Smoothie recipes that might just help with…sleep?!