Maximizing hydration during pregnancy & breastfeeding: Four beverages I drink daily to keep fully hydrated.

I am by no means a medical professional or a hydration expert BUT I do know that plain water doesn’t necessarily hydrate us as well as we think it does.

Don’t get me wrong, a glass of plain/tap/filtered water is SO much better for us than say, a soda, juice, glass of milk/chocolate milk, etc.

…but, there’s a few easy ways to step up hydration (and hydrate on a cellular level/increase absorption) besides just plain water.

and while it’s always a good idea to stay hydrated no matter what season of life you’re in, I think it’s especially important to maintain optimum hydration during pregnancy and postpartum/breastfeeding as your body is working harder than it ever has before.

Breastfeeding while pregnant.

newly pregnant (so new I didn’t know it quite yet ;) breastfeeding my 22 month old in Glacier National Park.

a few benefits of proper hydration:

  • improves cognition

  • aids in optimal digestion

  • increases energy levels

  • an important part of weight management

  • decreased joint pain & muscle cramping

  • better temperature regulation

  • healthy heart function

  • reduced headaches

  • healthy detoxification

a lot of those benefits stem from water/beverages/foods that contain minerals/vitamins/antioxidants our body needs in order to function properly. which is why drinking a big glass of electrolyte water has a very different effect than drinking a mountain dew.

it’s also important to note that much of our hydration comes from the FOODS we eat! which is great because it opens the door for even more ways to keep ourselves hydrated.

I personally am one of those people who usually has 2-5 beverages with them at any given moment and love to cycle through different drinks during the day. I do genuinely love drinking plain water (I know plain water is not everyone’s favorite things but for me it’s hands down my favorite beverage lol.)


  1. lemon chia salt water OR fruit juice salt water

    • these recipes came from two different midwives in my life and are so easy to make (which ingredients you likely have on hand!) and are a great way to get a little electrolyte action in your water! think of them as a natural gatorade (lol I guess I should mention- gatorade/powerade/body armour/etc do have some hydration benefits BUT they’re also loaded with sugars/colors/artificial sweeteners/other weird artificial ingredients that almost defeat the purpose. especially if consumed during pregnancy or breastfeeding.)

    • I like to drink one of these first thing when I wake up. before I drink anything else. we dehydrate as we sleep so it’s so important to drink a big glass of water (or one of these recipes!) right when you wake up!

    • fruit juice salt water:

      • 3/4 cup water

      • 1/4 cup pure fruit juice/no sugar added/not from concentrate. just straight up fruit juice. I personally like organic tart cherry because tart cherry is known to help reduce inflammation and promote more restful sleep!)

      • pinch of sea/Himalayan salt

    • lemon chia salt water

      • juice of 1/2 lemon (about 1-2 tbsp)

      • 10-20 oz of water

      • 1-2 tsp chia seeds

      • pinch of sea/Himalayan salt

  2. plain water with mineral drops

    • in my plain glasses of water throughout the day (or in my water bottle) I like to add in trace mineral drops to help with hydration/get in minerals that are often missing from tap water/filtered water/bottled water.

    • the bottle says a serving is 40 drops but PLEASE DO NO ADD ALL 40 DROPS AT ONCE. you’ll hate it and me lol. the trick is to at 5-10 drops to your water throughout the day with the goal by the end of the day being a total of 30-40 drops. with fewer drops you really can’t taste it but if you do all 40 in one glass of water you’ll likely have major regrets.

  3. ningxia red: ningxia is an antioxidant drink with no added sugars/caffeine/colors/etc. clinically proven to reduce stress levels, increase energy levels, and improve sleep. and bonus it actually tastes super good, ruth loves it too! I usually drink just 2-4 oz a day.

    • I personally like this in the afternoon when I want another cup of coffee but know i shouldn’t.

    • I won’t elaborate too much but google “ningxia placenta” for some fascinating stories on the health benefits of drinking ningxia during pregnancy!)

    • using my link to order ningxia gets you 24% off!

  4. pregnancy (or other) tea (nettle, red rasp, mothers milk, dandelion root)

    • rich in many valuable vitamins/minerals/nutrients our bodies need! especially during pregnancy! I drink a few different kinds of tea on any given day but almost always am sure to have a cup of this pregnancy tea :)

  5. BONUS!

    • If I happen to be feeling a little more dehydrated/just feel like a need a hydration boost (especially helpful while breastfeeding!), am on the go all day, etc I have recently starting using these electrolyte packets and LOVE them! no added sugars/colors/artificial ingredients and does such a great job at keeping you hydrated!

    • I also always keep these electrolyte drops in the car and Ruth’s diaper bag (and in the kitchen pantry) for the same reasons I use the electrolyte packets. again, no sugars/artificial ingredients/etc. I honestly wasn’t sure if I would like the taste of these but was pleasantly surprised when I first tried them! SO good!! and another one that Ruth loves!


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